Case Studies
Buenos Aires - Application of Silicone Membrane to Concrete Industrial Building

Buenos Aires - Application of Silicone Membrane to Concrete Industrial Building

Enduris™ Roof Coating and Silshield™ Architectural Coating were applied throughout the entire exterior and interior.

Enduris Roof Coating and Silshield Architectural Coating were applied throughout the entire exterior and interior (surface area of 19,500 m2) of a prefabricated concrete industrial building located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The building manager needed to meet two objectives: increase the useful life of the building and facilitate future maintenance operations. To do so, he decided to use our 100% alkoxy silicone coatings due to their ease of application and long-term performance benefits.

Additionally, our silicone coatings had offered up to fifteen years of protection on the roofs of other industrial buildings similar to that of the client. The membranes had demonstrated excellent UV resistance, and had also preserved their elasticity and resistance to standing water.

General Project Information

The industrial building is located in Don Torcuato Partido de Tigre, Buenos Aires province, and it is used for various production activities.

The industrial building’s ground surface is 70 x 50 m2 and its open interior height is 10m. The building was built between 2020 and 2021.

As observed in the photos below, the system was built using columns, beams, and slabs made of prefabricated structural concrete.

The application took place in November and December 2020 and January and February 2021. The relative humidities and temperature ranges confirmed during implementation of the project were as follows:

  • Temperature range: 20 to 30°C
  • Relative humidity range: 60 to 70%

Table of Surfaces

The surfaces of the building that were protected with Enduris 3500 totaled 19,500 m2 based on the following details:

Building Substrates

The substrates of the building where the silicone membrane was applied are as follows:

  • Substrate #1: Prefabricated structural concrete - on columns, beams, and slabs
  • Substrate #2: Light mortar - used to repair walls
  • Substrate #3: Rigid polyurethane foam, applied to roof beams

Some relevant characteristics of the building’s wall and roof substrates are detailed below:

Surface Preparation

The prefabricated concrete walls and beams had been manufactured over one year prior and were dry and free from contaminants. They also did not have any fissures.

In preparing the concrete (substrates #1 and #2), surface cleaning was done to eliminate existing dust. However, they were not power washed and no other special preparation was done.

Our 100% silicone liquid membranes adhered well to the concrete. No errors occurred during application.

Method of Application

Two application methods were used when applying the silicone:

Application with airless equipment -This was used on the interior and exterior walls, beams, and columns. It was also used on the “headroom” surfaces (subfloor and storehouse). The silicone membrane was applied in two coats in order to achieve a better aesthetic finish (with 4 hours of drying between coats).

Application with roller - This was used on the exterior roof of the building, which had a layer of PU spray. The silicone membrane was applied with one coat, in three steps:

  • Dump membrane from the tray
  • Spread it with the mop
  • Create uniform layer with roller (made of wool, with long/medium bristles

Thickness - To offer 10-year protection, a dry thickness of 21 mils was used for the roof, and 10 mils for vertical walls.

Final Evaluation of the Application

Below is a qualitative evaluation of the application, conducted on each part of the building, including an aesthetic assessment of the results:


  • Our “alkoxy” 100% silicone liquid membranes adhered well to the concrete. No errors occurred during application.
  • The silicone membrane was applied to the roof with rollers and was easily applied.
  • Application on walls (interior and exterior) was done using an airless system by a highly experienced user, in order to achieve the right aesthetic appearance. In the case of the interior walls, which do not receive direct sunlight, the application was very uniform.
  • Application in “headroom” (interior) areas was done using an airless system; due to its position it required more time and more qualified personnel.
  • At the end of the project, the building manager confirmed that the objectives proposed initially were successfully achieved.

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